3 Simple Hacks To Enjoy Your Coffee Without Sugar! (3 min read) | Jenn Edden Coaching

Welcome to another INSPIRATION MONDAY!

I don’t believe I’ve ever met someone that didn’t drink coffee at one point in their life… ok well maybe my brother, Chris, but that’s it!

I was a huge coffee drinker for a very long time and for sure bought into the assumption that in order for coffee to taste good it had to be loaded with milk + sugar or those artificial vanilla sweeteners so many women find themselves hooked on!

What I didn’t actually know was that most coffee that is consumed is of very low quality a lot of times. 

No worries if you had no idea…neither did until I met my dear friend Raj, Owner of JavaPresse and one of the most sincere and humble people you’ll ever meet.

Now you might be thinking…

Jenn, I just want to drink my coffee and if you’re telling me that there is a way to get the sugar out of it, because I know it’s part of my overall overconsumption of sugar problem I have, I’m all ears!

Great!  Then let me get right to it.

Truth be told, when you start your day with a sugary cup of coffee, it will trigger you all day long to want to consume other sugary treats. That initial spike in blood sugar (more to come in a moment on that) is for sure setting you up for a roller coaster day of sugar cravings!

So the question is, why not consider starting your day with a delicious cup of freshly brewed black coffee? Just a thought…

Let me share with you how to do just that …

3 Simple Hacks To Enjoy Your Coffee… Without Sugar

1. Clean your taste buds and teach them to actually taste!

Eating chemicals all day long literally deadens the tongue’s sensory system. By that I mean your ability to know what tastes bad and what tastes good gets desensitized. I hear all the time that once women start eating clean in a way that I teach, they no longer can tolerate those so called “healthy” protein bars any more. They literally can taste all the chemicals regardless of what the label originally said that drew their attention!! Also owning a really good stainless steel tongue scraper  is imperative to start removing the chemicals and sugar off your tongue that keeps you keep craving more of it!

But there’s more… we’re generally not good at tasting things in America. We stick to big, bold flavors at restaurants and when cooking – and we lose our ability to taste accurately. We need to re-learn to taste! Here’s how:

  • Drink your coffee slowly and savor each sip
  • Let it cover your entire tongue as you enjoy the flavor and aroma
  • Allow your senses to ask questions about what you’re tasting
  • Is this coffee acidic like an apple or like a lemon?
  • Is this coffee sweet like honey or molasses?
  • Does it have more of a floral aroma or an earthy one?

Eating and drinking become fun again when you can taste! Seriously, this one hack will transform your level of enjoyment every time you eat and drink anything!

2. Stabilize your blood sugar so you can start taming those cravings in the morning!

No, that is not a typo. What so many people do not realize is that your first defense against kicking sugar cravings is to stabilize your blood sugar levels all day long. By that I mean to start learning what foods work best for your body (some people have allergens to food they didn’t even know they had which is partially why you crave them. exploring an appropriate diet that works for you is imperative) while at the same time eating foods that are lower on the glycemic index (GI).

Every food has a GI number associated with it. The range is from 0-100. 100 being that particular food turns to sugar instantly (think about a person about to faint from low blood sugar so they are quickly given some apple juice to revive them!) versus a number 0 food like nuts that are pure fat which doesn’t impact sugar levels at all.

This is just one part of the Sugar Freedom Method I teach women how to master so they too can take back control(scroll to the bottom for 3 ways I can start helping you now!) You’re welcome to check me out and see if what and how I teach makes sense to you.

3. And last but not least: start your day with good coffee!

And not just any good coffee but REALLY GOOD coffee.

Here’s a cool fact Raj taught me. The average bag of coffee at the grocery store is filled with low-grade beans that are stale. You see, whole coffee beans only have 2-3 weeks of peak freshness and flavor – and pre-ground coffee only has 20-30 minutes!

After this peak, the organic compounds in the coffee start to break down into really bitter stuff. And this is why coffee always seems so gross and bitter – we’re drinking the wrong kind of beans!

Turns out, with just a few small changes to your daily brew, you’ll learn to love coffee all on its own (no sugar necessary). Here’s what Raj at JavaPresse suggests:

  • Buy freshly roasted beans from a quality-focused roaster
  • Grind those beans just before brewing to keep them fresh
  • Brew the coffee with a coffee maker that highlights rich flavors (like a french press)

How cool is that. I know I’m going to try this out and see how the taste differs!

If you follow these three simple steps, your coffee’s going to be elevated dramatically. You may not even recognize it as coffee because it’ll be so flavorful!



Are you a female entrepreneur ready to take action but aren’t sure exactly what that would look like?

Let’s jump on a complimentary sugar freedom strategy call and get you moving!

Fill out a quick application to make sure we’re a good fit and let’s get this party started.

Looking for a quick education on how to tone up, reduce the puff around the middle,

And have the control you want at night so you don’t sabotage your best efforts? 
Watch my Sugar Freedom Method Masterclass here!

Did you know I have a free Private Facebook Group where you can ask me anything? It’s for women looking to
manage their wine and sweet tooth in a non-depriving way. You can join us here!

And as always, thanks for being here, learning and living and being your best self.