Keep Falling Off The Fitness Wagon? Here’s My 3 Step Plan To Get Back On | Jenn Edden Coaching

fitnessSummer! What a fun time of year-yes? So much sun and fun and well….sometimes I know those workouts and health can sometimes take a back seat.

HOW many times has this happened during your fitness journey?

You know, you’re feeling all confident, you might have even gotten a new job or a new client, your body is starting to shape up, life is rolling along, your diet is pretty good  (alcohol and sugary snacks are in check) and then WHAM-O out of nowhere you’re in a pissy mood, you start to feel a little worried, you’re now craving junk food and are like “what the hell”.

You then start to think “Uh Oh. Here I go again. Am I going backwards? Or perhaps was all that I was experiencing just a bout of good luck that just ran out. What am I going to do now that my cravings have returned. Here comes the weight and low energy again!”


I’ve been there more times then I care to talk about and so have my clients which is why I came up with this 3 step plan to help them always feel in control no matter what’s going on in your life. And in typical Jenn’s simple and actually works.


Start with yourself and getting your mind back in balance. Do whatever it takes.

Example: I go for a run. I sit and breathe. I take a break from kids and read a few pages of a book. I call that friend that helps center me. I basically do whatever it takes to get my head back on straight and puts me in a better mood knowing this is STEP 1 to getting back on track. What I don’t do is get strict with myself and create a plan of action that includes food deprivation or denial.

Remove biggest triggers from your environment that can be completed in a short amount of time.

Example: That broken pot in the front entrance triggering you every time you walk in the house.  Closet shoes piled up too high? Clean them out quick. Bills piling up on your desk- pay them and clear off that desk. What about that draining client you just put up with? Yeah. They need to go. I find our fitness and health goals are directly related to our stress so reducing it in simple ways is a top priority.

Once your head is clear, make a list of TO DO’s for the week/month or even coming year around how you want to look and feel then go from there.Until you can have a clear mind, it’s very difficult to dig yourself out of where you are. Usually it’s met with a lot of resistance and wasted time dealing with all that mental chatter and cravings that just won’t seem to go away-yes?

Ex. Plan a quick much needed weekend getaway or day out with friends (sometimes being alone is nice too!) Sign up for that course or program you know is going to rock your biz/career. Set up your schedule for the week blocking out time each week for YOU TIME and watch your energy and desire to take better care of you skyrocket!

Keep It Flowing Friends. Keep It Flowing.