I started doing this 1 thing and I stopped being pissed off! (true story inside) | Jenn Edden Coaching

Standing on the platform at Hicksville station this week should have made me mad. I live in Huntington – 25 minutes away from this station. I only live 4 minutes from the Huntington station.

You know what…I missed my train!! And when I say missed it I mean just barely missed it. Seconds is what I missed it by.

Doors closed and I stepped on the platform waving my arms like a lunatic hoping a conductor would see me and open the door.

Then magic #1 happened – my husband called my cell and asked if I made the train because he knew it was close. I said no, and he said he’d drive me to the next big hub station- Hicksville.

I admit I was at first a bit like wtf. I had that train! Then I decided to take it down several notches and get in Joe’s car and take the trip to Hicksville.

For those who don’t know my story, Joe and I lived in Hicksville the first few months of marriage right up until month 4 when our house blew up and we lost everything we owned but our lives, 1 cat and our blue Jeep Wrangler. I truthfully haven’t been back to the station in years, perhaps 16, which is when the house blew up.

I arrived at the station and as I waved goodbye I couldn’t help but run back up to the car and say to Joe “hey hun, remember when you used to drop me off to catch the train to NYC for work. And you had your day job????”

My life today is NOTHING like it was 16 years ago when Joe would drop me off, hair on fire, cup of coffee and granola bar in hand (yes I used to drink and eat that stuff!!!) I would sit on that train with dreams of more. More of what I wasn’t sure. I just knew it was more than what I was currently doing.

Today as I waited at that same station all I had (for real) was gratitude in my heart for the life I’ve created, what I look and feel like on a regular daily basis and that I was heading to Brooklyn today to meet with some of the coolest people from mindbodygreen. If you don’t know of them they’re a major online wellness community and everything they publish is spot on. It’s been a long time dream to be a regular contributor so I was heading in to meet them and introduce myself!!

Ever wake up and feel like you want more?

  • More energy?
  • More clarity?
  • More ideas on what to eat that makes you feel good?
  • More confidence to speak up?
  • Does it feel kinda foggy about where to start?

If so, I totally get it.

There’s this 1 thing I’ve been doing regularly and it literally changed my life. I started to write down every day…either in the morning or at night… 5 things I am grateful for! YEP. That’s what I did.

Sometimes wanting more from life starts with first acknowledging everything we already have. We all have so much we just don’t ever stop to acknowledge it because we’re all so busy. I get it and respect that wholeheartedly. Go ahead and for the next 2 weeks in a row go ahead and write down 5 things you’re grateful for. Then watch and see the magic unfold for you too!

Things that once pissed you off just might not seem as significant because you remember being grateful for something that you used to take for granted. For me, I was reminded that my daughter, Sydney, is no longer sick with rashes and that I have a beautiful home and am able to vacation when I like to because I am the master of my own schedule!

Now it’s your turn!!


Want help with feeling your best self? Did you know I’m running a 6 week beta program called What Do I Eat?

It includes 1-1 time with me plus weekly action steps, meal ideas and a full blow education on what foods are literally inflaming you and that’s why your bloat, achy joints and anxiety won’t go away.


It’s application only so I make sure what I’m delivering is what you need. A few spots are left!!



Apply here