My New Year’s Wish… For You | Jenn Edden Coaching

Dearest friends, colleagues and newest friends of the Jenn Edden Community,

As I reflect back on all that the lessons I’ve learned, the obstacles I’ve overcome and the new ways of thinking I have adopted this past year I had this overwhelming urge to make a wish (ok, so 10 wishes!) for you as you continue on your journey of greater health & self awareness in 2017.

So here it goes…


  •  May you find your CENTER when the rest of the world feels so out of balance.
  •  May PEACE OF MIND come to you on days when your worst critic (yourself) won’t let up.
  •  May you trust that GOD has your back when everything feels like it’s coming crumbing down.
  •  May your INTUITION kick in on days when you don’t know what to do next.
  •  May you have TRUE FRIENDSHIPS with women who love and accept and cherish you just the way you are.
  •  May ABUNDANCE flow into your life because you know it’s your birthright to have it.
  •  May you look into the mirror and see all that is BEAUTIFUL and whole.
  •  May your dark days be seen as the path to GREATER CHANGE.
  •  May your cravings be your GUIDE to what is missing in your life and…
  •  May you find the COURAGE to take the necessary steps to create that life you want + deserve!

THANK YOU for taking this journey with me.

And THANK YOU for being in my life. So much change is coming to Jenn Edden Coaching and what I plan to offer to support you all….stay tuned.

SEE YOU IN 2017!